Teacher Gary
British Teacher
Teacher Gary
British Teacher
Native English-speaking
professional private tutor and mentor
to Adults and Children
母语为英语 专业的私人导师和导师
Native English-speaking
professional private tutor and mentor
to Adults and Children
母语为英语 专业的私人导师和导师
Lived 10 years in China
30 years Teaching English to adults, young adults and children (from age 5) in UK, NZ & Chinese schools, privately and online.
在中国生活了10年 30年英语教学
British born - World traveller - Global citizen.I’ve always loved words and telling stories. I'm also obsessed with everything : Curiosity is my thing.英国出生 - 世界旅行者 - 全球公民。我一直喜欢文字和讲故事。我也痴迷于一切:好奇心是我的事。What I do and how I do it
What makes me different? See if the video helps you to decide. You can see how busy I was one particular week....!
My values
integrity - passion - curiosity
A UK-trained QTS (Fully Qualified) & vastly experienced schoolteacher, private tutor & innovator - integrity is my constant.
在英国接受过培训的 QTS(完全合格)和经验丰富的教师, 私人导师和创新者 诚信是我的不变
I have been doing this for more than thirty years. Tutoring has been a part of my life as I have travelled the globe. And I love my interactions with my students many of whom stay with me for years and years. Sometimes I teach several members of the same family over a many years. 我已经这样做了三十多年了。当我环游世界时,辅导已经成为我生活的一部分。
I have worked in Education in every arena and with every kind of student imaginable. I specialise in TESOL with Adults, Young Adults and School aged children because I love the variety that these groups continually create for me.
我专注于成人、青年和学龄儿童的 TESOL,因为我喜欢这些团体不断为我创造的多样性
TESTIMONIALS and References Clients tell me
"It is amazing, really. I miss the chance to communicate with people in English. I used to travel a lot before Covid. And now I am isolated and people in Bulgaria don't speak English. So for me it works better than the psychotherapy 😅😂" Helping students overcome trauma at difficult times is a part of my job, for which I am especially well suited. This is part of my ongoing commitment to help Ukrainians dealing with war; trying to get their lives back on track in 2022.
Parents tell me
"You're worth every penny. " This is what business man and entrprenuer dad told me after I had worked every school-day for 3 months, 3 hours a day minimum with his son; a young student in his home struggling with aspbergers. I created his whole curriculum: we even took field trips around Shanghai in 2016. I held three other part time jobs at the same time! It cost them a considerable amount of money; they were so thrilled. I love making a difference to peoples' lives.
Famillies tell me
"He now wants three classes a week. " So that's what we do Monday, Wednesday Friday; sometimes, even when he's on holiday. From a parent of a kid who just does not like academic work but is thrilled by our digging into History, Science, Geography as we study a truly global perspective. Our sessions can last up to 2 hours - as he never wants them to stop. And I also 'teach' his mum. And I previously taught his brother, now 16 years old. I've been working with this family since 2012.
Older Students tell me
"Hi Gary....I just passed all the exams...I got It!!!!" For a month in 2022 I had daily sessions with Carlos (who really wanted a promotion at work). As a cartographer in Spain, working for the government, he needed to impress. I brought all my skills to the table to get him ready for his English Language exams and interviews (in a very details-rich subject). In July 2022 he shared the good news. Job done!
experience, qualifications, approach
I have a 4 year Education Honours Degree from the UK & 30 years global teaching experience in EVERY age-group, with TEFL, ESOL, EAL, ESL and TESOL experience
English as a Second Language (ESL)I'm a fully qualified, very experienced Online TESOL tutor.I'll use the skills and techniques mastered over thirty years of educational experience to quickly progress any student's ability and attainment in spoken and written English with a relaxed and nurturing classroom.英语作为第二语言教学 (TESOL)
我是一个完全合格的,非常有经验的在线 TESOL。
我将利用在 30 多年的教育经验中掌握的技能和技巧,在轻松而有教养的课堂上快速提高任何学生在英语口语和写作方面的能力和成绩。
Experience - Qualifications - FlexibleWhether I am in a UK or a Chinese classroom, with a small group, or an individual, or pairs, or face to face or online, I now have 15 straight years of experience tutoring just TEFL, TESOL, ESL & EAL.
That's a lot of similar acronyms with largely the same meaning. Some key differences have certainly become blurred during the pandemic. Whether I am teaching from or in the UK or Portugal or China; or my students are in China, or Germany, or in the UK - you can be sure that with me they will experience a fully personalised immersive experience designed fundamentally to increase their confidence, egagement and curiosity as they explore and become experts in another language: English.
经验 - 资格 - 灵活无论我是在英国还是中国教室,与小团体,或个人,或双人,或面对面或在线,我现在已经连续 15 年辅导 TEFL、TESOL、ESL 和 EAL 的经验。
Experienced - Qualified - FlexibleEvery student's experience is different.Students or parents inform me of what they think is desired or required: I will be their navigator, leader, teacher. We'll get there!
Every student is an individual. Every student has Personal Learning Needs and Personal Learning Prefences. I find them. I support them. I enhance them.
TESTIMONIALS and References
What bosses have said 老板们怎么说
Lesley-Anne Wallace
Headteacher at BISS, Gary's first Chinese based school appointment'experienced'"I have found Gary to posses many positive personal attributes, such as honesty, efficiency and resilience, but most profound is the relationship that he enjoys with the pupils and the passion he displays for their individual learning.He is hard working and committed to his work, with good subject knowledge.Additionally, he enjoys very positive inter-personal relations with parents of students who respect the attention he pays to their children"'punctual'Julian Forsey
Headteacher at Gary's first permanent position, in the UK'Flexibility' -'Creative Thinking'"..a committed, enthusiastic, hard working and extremely able teacher.He establishes appropriate relationships within the classroom, setting clear guidelines for behaviour, and enjoys the respect and affection of the class.He plans extensively and marks work thoroughly, keeping detailed records of the children's progress.He has the happy knack of being able to hold the interest of both high achievers and slower learners. His lessons are a delight to watch."Don Sibley
Headteacher at Gary's second permanent UK post"...a dedicated and charismatic teacher...well organised.. a teacher with high expectations... his strong principles concerning education: developing independence, social skills, offering a broad curriculum, stressing the importance of learning styles as well as improving basic literacy and numeracy standards.Gary contributed enormously to the development of IT in the school, overseeing the launch of a new computer suite.He especially enjoyed tasks that enabled him to use his own initiative.Gary has enriched children's lives because of his awareness of global and environmental dimensions.Gary has a lot to offer - as a human being."My Legacy 我的遗产
Throughout my adult career path of 35 years in education, all of my leaders have marvelled at my commitment and expertise. My free-thinking clients, parents and students adored me too (and I them) !!!!
在我 35 年的成人教育生涯中,我的所有领导都对我的承诺和专业知识赞叹不已。我思想自由的客户、父母和学生也很喜欢我(我也喜欢他们)!!!!My Child-Centred approach is a paradigm which institutions cannot hope to match.
I empower students to embrace the post-industrial era: matched to the realities and necessities of our modern selves.
我的以儿童为中心的方法是机构无法企及的范式。我授权学生拥抱后工业时代:与我们现代自我的现实和必需品相匹配。I model myself on the teachers and thinkers of Ancient Greece. Their practices and considerations are eternal. Curiosity and the quest for answers.
我以古希腊的老师和思想家为榜样。他们的做法和考虑是永恒的。好奇心和对答案的追求。Roles I have held include: 我担任过的角色包括:
Teaching Consultant :
Whales English Hong Kong
Online Language School with native Teaching staff offering long duration coursesMy students ranged from 4-14 years old. Many clients rebooked me course after course: Parents thought me special. Whales abruptly ceased classes with foreign staff in August 2021. I had been fully booked since joining. My 45 long-term students, in 22 weekly hour-long classes across 4 programmes adored me - and I, them.在线语言学校,本地教学人员提供长期课程我的学生年龄在 4-14 岁之间。许多客户在课程后重新预订我的课程:父母认为我很特别。 Whales 于 2021 年 8 月突然停止了与外国员工的课程。自从加入以来,我已经被订满了。我的 45 名长期学生,在 4 个项目的 22 节每周一小时的课程中都很喜欢我 - 而我,他们。IEL Classes Leader
The British International School Shanghai 上海英国国际学校
Nord Anglia is the foremost International Education provider across the globe.
Initially, a classroom teacher, I held very specialist roles with specific duties & at this most prestigious Shanghai campus for almost a decade. In my final 3 years, I created, organised and delivered the Intensive English Lessons for newly enrolled students.
With little or no English IEL's purpose was to quickly enable students to access mainstream whole class learning. At year end, students took the Cambridge English Exam.
Nord Anglia 是全球最重要的国际教育提供商。最初,我是一名课堂教师,然后在上海这个最负盛名的校园里担任非常具体的职责和专家角色近十年。在我的最后 3 年里,我为新入学的学生创建、组织和提供了强化英语课程。很少或没有英语 IEL 的目的是让学生快速进入主流的全班学习。年底,学生参加了剑桥英语考试。Founder, Director & Principal
LWWines.com (aka Laowai Wines)
Wine education, events and retail business, Shanghai, ChinaI conceived, founded & evolved this innovative 'Edu-retail' business model.I created the 'go-to' reliable & safe online home-delivery option for corporate & private clients.
I consulted for & supplied restaurants and grocery stores with premium product.
I supported charity through fundraisers and donations.
From absolutely nothing & no investment other than my own money, time & energy LWwines.com enjoyed 6 years of rich evolution & phenomenal annual growth rates, until it was time to leave SH. The whole enterprise went to a client, who was so excited to carry on the story. Sadly, the potential wasn't realised & now it is gone.
I have the memories & some artwork. Daring to dream was wonderful.
Kindergarten Teacher (C program)
Fudan-Wanke Experimental Private School, Shanghai C-Program (SVKS)
I was responsible for teaching half of the lessons to my class of 18 'bilingual' Kindergarten students learning a mixture of Chinese, US, British and Singaporean curriculum in a special programme - at the time available only to Non-Chinese Nationals within this Private Chinese School.
The programme was in its infancy with three classes. There were few resources, no organisational structure and much innovation.
I began a 'radical' approach of child-centred education.
I reorganised the classroom into zones away from the 'rows of desks' approach.
I introduced the soft carpet /soft furnishings area with the eager help of parents.
With no support funding at all, within weeks, I created a reading library of hundreds of new books.
I introduced the concept and the reality of integrating Educational support professionals, such as Educational Psychologists to support students.
Unfortunately, the school wasn't ready for such innovations: I left at the end of that year. Now, there are twelve classes - and a library.
Copyright 2019